Monday, August 12, 2013


the last year has been difficult in alot of ways ,losing my sister Linda was one of the hardest things i have ever experienced,and sometimes for no reason i get upset or a little depressed after fun things happen because suddenly it hits me that she will not have any more fun,or eat ice cream or just sit quietly with her husband  or ride her Harley or a million other things she loved to do ,when i have those feelings usually i will do something for her and pretend that she is there with me or sometimes i just sit quietly and talk to her sometimes that helps a bit ,sometimes not i just like the idea of having fun and her watching it over all i am as okay as i can be with her death i will always miss and love her .and never forget,guess that's all i can do

Friday, February 1, 2013

it is really hard to believe it has been 10 months since my sister left us i  still have some days where i try to call her on the phone or think of things to tell her -i feel sometimes like there is a huge hole in my life that will never be filled -some days it is hard to drag myself out of bed i am not sure this is something i will ever recover from -not sure why she had to be taken from us when she had so much to give this world and i feel like i do not contribute much it should have been me instead and i would give anything to trade places with her  i must still be here for some reason but i will be damned if i know what it is -sorry to be a downer sincerely sad in penna